Sunday, July 14, 2013

From Tasty Treats To Gourmet Cuisine. Experience: Taste.

Good day,

    This time I would like to open the fourth main section of this blog, the Taste experience. At the land of dreams, there are litterally hundreds of locations outside and inside the parks where Guests can purchase drinks, treats, snacks, necessities or get a full meal.

Disney's Boardwalk bakery.
    Those facilities, will offer various options to the Guests but most importantly, will deliver the Taste. If we include the extra time allowed to Guests staying at Disney's resorts (also called the Magic Hours), Walt Disney World Resort parks can operate from 8:00AM to 11:00PM. This schedule does not include the facilities that are located in the resorts and at Downtown Disney, while some of them might be sollicitated 24 hours a day.

    So unless Guests decide to stay outside the resort at night, bring their own lunches, drinks and snacks and avoid buying anything, they will have plenty to choose from. The whole Taste experience will differ from a Guests to another based on individual preferences. But the experience will also differ from a location to another and Guests should be aware of this very important point: There is some fast food and unhealthy food offered even if this is Walt Disney World Resort. Perfection is not yet achieved in this world.

    With that being said, the point made above doesn't prevent Guests from experiencing interesting tasty moments, International cuisine, delicious drinks and new tastes. From a personal point of view, my general Taste experience is fairly extensive and ranges from ''good'', ''new to me and very good'' to ''exceptionnal'' with a couple of ''less than expected'' here and there.

    The locations, events and experiences that will be shared to you in this series will be in large part based on my personal experiences as a Guest but could also contain other Guests' experiences. For example, I very rarely consume seafood myself because I dislike them in general. My personal preferences prevents me from being able to explore and tell about some portions of the Taste experience. It would be absolutely impossible for me to tell you where we can find the best seafood restaurant at Walt Disney World Resort.

    Finally, I would like to add that as I will share more experiences, some locations will hold a special place. Their unique features will qualify them as multiple experiences and will appear in more than one section at the same time. A couple of them will offer a five sense experience and qualify to all five of them.

    I am looking forward to get this section of this page rolling.

    Have a magical day,

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